8 Apps to Keep You Healthy During the Holidays

Between impromptu holiday parties, vegging out on your favorite comfort foods and traveling… it can be tough to stay on top of your healthy...

Healthy Drinks: Green Tea Edition

Green tea is known worldwide for being a  very healthy beverage. It has antioxidants and numerous substances that are great for your health. There are...

Top Diet Trends for 2017

Diets typically come and go,  but the latest diet trends of 2017 focus on natural, unprocessed whole-foods so hopefully they’re here to stay!  Depending on...

Healthy Summer Picnic Essentials

Summer is in full swing, and what better way to celebrate the warm weather and long sunny days than with a picnic? July happens...

Healing Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a healing clay formed from the ash made by volcanoes. The largest known source of this healing clay in in Fort...

8 Healthy Meal Prep Containers for National Pack Your Lunch Day

Do you even take your lunch to work if you don’t pack it in a cute meal prep container? If you’re meal prepping for the week and you just can’t with boring plastic food storage, this post is for you.

The Role of Fiber in Digestion

People don’t always appreciate fiber, sometimes known as roughage. Often, it’s removed from processed foods and drinks to provide a smooth texture. Nature didn’t...

Weight Loss: It’s About Math, Not Magic

Whether your goal is to undergo a significant transformation or just drop a few pounds, you’ve probably heard a lot of advice on weight...

Tips & Tricks on Flea & Tick Prevention

Summer’s here, and with that can unfortunately mean the beginning of tick season. As pet owners, we understand the constant concern about these pesky...

The Importance of Gut Health

Believe or not, your gut microbiome is the foundation of your health. In fact, 80% of your immune system is in the gut! Your...