5 Meal Prep Tips Guaranteed to Help You Lose Weight

One of the biggest causes of slipping up on your diet is not having healthy food readily available. When you’re away from your house,...

What are Macronutrients and Micronutrients?

Macronutrients and Micronutrients aren’t just fancy words thrown around by personal trainers and nutritionists anymore—these terms have escaped the lips of fitness professionals and...


Hey there! I’m Brett McNeil, the fitness consultant for FitMinutes. Throughout the month, I’ll be answering a few questions from our readers. This week,...

What is Oil Pulling?

Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Ew. Huh? What the heck is oil pulling? What is it pulling exactly? Does it hurt? Why am...

7 Reasons You Should Wear Sunglasses Year-Round

Everywhere you go, you’re bound to see people wearing sunglasses. It might be at a sporting event or maybe even the beach. However, there...

The Role of Fiber in Digestion

People don’t always appreciate fiber, sometimes known as roughage. Often, it’s removed from processed foods and drinks to provide a smooth texture. Nature didn’t...

Q&A: How Much Water Should I Be Drinking?

Hey there! I’m Brett McNeil, the fitness consultant for FitMinutes. Throughout the month, I’ll be answering a few questions from our readers. This week,...

The Body’s ATP Cycle

Energy For Everything You Do You’ve probably heard of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, which essentially refer to energy with oxygen (aerobic) and without (anaerobic). Aerobic...

5 High-Protein Foods that won’t Break the Bank

Protein is an essential part of any healthy diet. Not only does it serve several important functions of the body, including repairing muscle tissue...

Healthy Drinks: Coconut Water Kefir Edition

In basic terms, coconut water kefir is fermented coconut water. Fermentation causes very beneficial bacteria and yeast to transform natural sugars found in the...