8 Healthy Road Trip Snacks


Excited to hit the open road and embark on a road trip? If you’re anything like us, you love packing up the car, blasting some tunes and driving. Sure flying is great, but for us, there’s nothing like a road trip with a few good friends. The other key to a good road trip? Road trip snacks! Keep reading to view a few of our favorite road trip snacks that won’t derail your healthy lifestyle. Bon voyage and bon appetit!

1. Crispy Roast Chickpeas

These roasted chickpeas will kick that crunchy craving and they taste great!

C R I S P Y R O A S T C H I C K P E A S- we are back in Dubai after a glorious summer in Europe and getting back into our daily rhythm…after a summer of treats we are in desperate need of some healthy snacks and first up are these chickpeas. It’s an essential recipe for all parents (and anyone else really)- straightforward, healthy and a fantastic snack anytime and anywhere… and amazing tossed through salads. _______________________ RECIPE 1 tin of chickpeas, drained 1-2tbsp olive oil 1/4 tsp sea salt METHOD Place the drained chickpeas on a clean dishcloth and fold over to cover and absorb any excess liquid. Leave for 1-2 hours. After 2 hours, preheat the oven to 175oC and line a baking tray with baking parchment. Rub the chickpeas between the two layers of dishcloth and discard any skins that come away from the chickpeas (this makes them crispier). Place the chickpeas on the baking tray and drizzle over the oil. Toss everything together and place in the oven for 40-45minutes until golden and crisp. Consume. ________________________________________ #chickpeas #glutenfree #vegan #healthysnacks #feedingafamily #kidsfoodideas #mamachef #eatwell #eattherainbow #healthyrecipes #foodblogger #recipeoftheday #lunchboxideas

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2. Fruit Salad

Fruit is always a good choice for a healthy road trip snack. Pack a cooler with a few ice packs, mix up some of your favorite fruit and boom—you’ve got a healthy, tasty and refreshing snack while cruising along the highway.

3. Greek yogurt

Individual sized greek yogurt cups are a fantastic snack to bring on the road. Stick to the higher fat (it will keep you full a little longer) and least amount of sugar as possible.


Another easy snack to bring on the road. Grab your favorite flavors and you’ve got a healthy, convenient snack!

5. Protein Balls

Whip up these easy to make protein balls the night before your trip. They’ll help you avoid those unhealthy chocolate bars at the gas station!

6. Oat Bran Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

These muffins are a much better option than those served at Dunkin’ Donuts. Not a fan of poppyseed? Mix up the recipe with ingredients you like!

Oat bran lemon poppyseed muffins . . 1 1/4 cup GF quick oats 3/4 cup coconut sugar 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp cinnamon 2 cups oat bran 1 1/4 cup almond milk 3 tbsp avocado oil 1 egg 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp lemon zest 1 tbsp poppyseeds . Combine first 6 ingredients in one bowl. In another bowl, combine oat bran and almond milk, let sit to soak. Add oil and egg to oat bran. Mix in all the dry ingredients. Add lemon zest, lemon juice and poppyseeds. . Bake at 400 for 10-12 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. . . #healthy #healthyrecipes #healthytips #health #healthy #healthyfood #food #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #dairyfree #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthysnack #healthysnacks

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7. Jerky

There’s nothing better than some tasty jerky! Look for options low in sodium, or better yet, make your own healthy, low sodium beef jerky at home before the big trip.

8. Nuts

Nuts are a car-friendly option. They’re also a tasty and healthy fat source to munch on while you’re road-trippin’. If you have a sweet tooth, toss some dark chocolate into the mix.


Looking for more healthy recipes? Check out these 6 Meal Prep Recipes to Spice Up Your Week.

The post 8 Healthy Road Trip Snacks appeared first on FitMinutes.