Easy Last Minute Halloween Treat Ideas!


Throw together an emergency batch of the spookiest snacks this side of Salem in minutes and you could totally save the day. In 15 minutes flat, you could have any of the following recipes ready for friends, or kids of friends, or your own little kiddies (if they’re being super good that day). Live on the scary side, but don’t let your pantry go dry of the ingredients for these kiddie-friendly Halloween recipes.


1. Witches’ Brew

Try this quick-and-easy Halloween punch at your next party or church event. You control the sugar, so the parents have one less source of the stuff to worry about.

    • 1 quart lime sherbet
    • 1 (2 liter) bottle diet lemon-lime soda


  1. Place the sherbet in a microwave-safe bowl and heat for about 10 seconds.
  2. Stir in the soda, 1/2 cup at a time, into sherbet until the punch thickens. Slowly stir the remaining lemon-lime beverage into punch.


2. Worms and Dirt

The delicious treat that even adults can dig (ha-ha!), and it does very well as individual servings for kids at birthdays.

    • 12 chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies
    • 1 (3.9 ounce) package instant chocolate pudding mix
    • 2 cups milk
    • 1 package gummy worms candy


  1. Place the chocolate sandwich cookies into a Ziploc bag, and crush them. Sprinkle about 1/3 of the crushed sandwich cookie crumbs into the bottom of a serving bowl.
  2. Whisk together the chocolate pudding mix with the milk in a bowl, stirring for 2 minutes. Spoon the chocolate pudding over the crumbs.
  3. Smooth out the top of the pudding, and top with excess cookie crumb “dirt”. Poke gummy worms into the dirt so they stick out.


3. Monster Munch Popcorn Mix

    • 12 cups popped popcorn
    • 1 cup candy corn
    • 1 cup roasted, salted peanuts
    • 1/2 cup Reese’s Pieces®
    • 1 pound chocolate almond bark chunks


  1. Mix popcorn, candy corn, peanuts, and Reese’s Pieces® in a large bowl.
  2. Melt the almond bark in a microwave-safe glass or ceramic bowl in 30-second intervals, stirring so as not to scorch the chocolate.
  3. Pour melted almond bark over popcorn mixture, and stir until the popcorn is coated.
  4. Spread the popcorn mixture out onto a flat surface lined with waxed paper or parchment to dry. Break the dry mix up and replace into a large serving bowl.


4. Banana Ghosts

Food allergies? Buy some dairy free chocolate chips and try out this healthy treat for your little ones!

    • 6 Bananas
    • Chocolate Chips
    • Mini Chocolate Chips
  1. Peel bananas and cut them in half
  2. Stand them upright on decorative plate (may have to cut bottoms at an angle to help them stand upright)
  3. Use a toothpick or other pointed object to dig a slight hole for the eyes and mouth
  4. Place the mini chocolate chips in the eye holes (pointed side of the chocolate chip facing inward, flat side showing)
  5. Place the large chocolate chip in the mouth hole


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