6 Ways to Celebrate National Fruit and Vegetable Month With Your Garden


If you’re someone who struggles with gardening, just like me, then you know that growing beautiful fruits and vegetables is not an easy task. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. If you’re looking for tips and tricks to help you get started, keep reading to feel inspired.

1. Perfect Location

If you’re planning to grow some veggies, it’s a good idea to spend some time checking out which locations in your garden get 6-8 hours of full sun daily. While some veggies can grow in semi-shade, most of them require full sun for the perfect harvest. 

2. Grow What You Love to Eat

What fruits and vegetables do you like to eat? Your answer will help you decide what is the best produce for your garden. However, there are also a few other things to keep in mind when deciding what to grow in your garden. Try to be picky about your selections based on how much time you will have to dedicate to your garden. Some fruits and vegetables require a little more love than others.

3. Keeping Your Garden Fertilized

When fertilizing plants, it’s important to be careful because too much fertilizer can burn the roots, which will decrease their ability to absorb water. As a result, the plants become more vulnerable to stress caused by drought, cold, and heat. Nutrient-starved plants tend to be smaller and can be severely affected by leaf spots.

4. The Perfect Soil

If you want to have a successful vegetable garden, you need to provide it with the best quality soil possible. The key to healthy soil is its texture, which you can assess by feeling it with your hands. If the soil feels gritty, it has too much sand. If it’s powdery, there’s too much silt. And if it’s sticky when wet, there’s too much clay. The combination of these three types of soil, and their specific proportions, determines the overall texture of your garden’s soil. Therefore, if you want to achieve a perfect garden, you’ll need to get your hands dirty and work on improving the quality of your soil.

5. Consistency

Consistency is crucial when it comes to gardening. It’s necessary to check our gardens regularly to ensure they have the perfect amount of water and to keep our little bug friends at bay. By conducting daily checks, we can ensure that our gardens are healthy and produce the perfect fruit and vegetables.