6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Prepare for the Holiday Season


Don’t leave everything until December or you’ll spend your Holidays rushing around in a tear instead of enjoying it. Below are 6 things you can do right now to prepare for the Holiday Season:

1. Pick a date for your Holiday party and send out a ‘Save the Date’: Whether it’s for the office or at your home, there’s only so many weekends over the Holiday Season and people are going to book up quick. If you’re the first to send the invite, there’s a better chance they will attend your event over one that sneaks up on them later.

2. Prep your Christmas cards: Still sending Christmas cards the old fashion way? Print the labels for your Christmas card list and pick up the cards and stamps. You can pick away at writing the messages throughout the month of November so that they’re all ready to send out for early December. If you’re doing the e-card thing, create an email draft and start adding your recipients. You can copy and paste your recipient list in later on once you choose your e-card program & design.

3. Make a list of who you’re buying for this year: Decide who was naughty or nice, and add them to the list. You don’t want to forget anyone! It doesn’t hurt to keep a ‘To be determined’ person on your list in case you need a last minute gift (just buy something general like wine, a gift basket or wool socks – preferably something you like, in case you don’t end up using it!)

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Click here to buy this Starbucks gift basket!

4. Start writing down a few gift ideas for those who made your ‘nice’ list: What are their interests? Is there anything they need? This will get the wheels churning for when you’re browsing online or out shopping, in case you see something that fits the bill.

5. Make a list of stores you want to buy from over the holiday season: Once you have an idea of what you’re planning to buy, do your research online to find the best deals. Since you’re starting out early, you can save yourself a trip the store and just purchase the items online. Save time and gas and let the gifts come to you- many online stores even offer free gift wrapping!

6. Take out your holiday decorations to see what you have: You don’t have to put it up yet, but take a look through the boxes to see what you do and do not need, so you’re not running around last minute looking for something. Donate what you don’t need and someone else can enjoy it this Holiday.

The Holidays are about spending time with Family and Friends, so start early this year and relax with the people you love this Holiday Season!

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