6 De-bloating Tips & Tricks


With summer on the horizon, experiencing bloating can be irritating, frustrating, uncomfortable and even painful. While some bloating is normal, there are many tips and tricks to find relief from the discomfort of bloating, all while improving your gastrointestinal health and striving towards a healthier lifestyle. We’ve rounded up 6 tips and tricks to de-bloat fast, incorporate healthy lifestyle changes and find relief! 

1. Focus on physical activity 

Physical activity and daily movement are key to overall health and well-being, including de-bloating. Try incorporating walking, yoga, biking or an exercise class into your daily routine. Regular exercise aids the digestive process and assists in de-bloating. 

2. Drink more water – we mean it!  

Hydration is a de-bloating hack and yet another reason to prioritize your water intake. Dehydration can force the body to cling to excessive water, leading to bloating, in an attempt to combat dehydration. To assist with de-bloating, aim to drink six to eight cups of water per day. While increasing your water intake, be mindful to swap carbonated or fizzy beverages for water, as carbonation can worsen bloating.  

3. Hold the salt 

Consuming too much sodium can cause the body to retain water and result in painful bloating. Minimizing sodium intake can prevent bloating. Try seasoning food with alternative spices with de-bloating properties like cayenne, ginger or turmeric or herbs such as basil, dill or cilantro.   

4. Focus on your eating habits 

De-bloating is not only about what you eat, but how you eat. Eating at a slower pace, in a comfortable seated position can aid digestion and reduce the risk of bloating. Avoiding distractions while eating (like television or social media) can assist with reducing the speed of food consumption. Focus on maintaining proper posture while eating to minimize bloating. 

5. Try an abdominal massage 

Massaging your stomach can assist with movement throughout the gastrointestinal tract and help relieve the painful symptoms of bloating. Health experts at the University of Michigan have published a guide to performing a self-abdominal massage, check it out here! 

6. Seek professional support 

While some bloating is normal, most is treatable through physical activity and nutritional habits. It is important to note that some bloating can be linked to food intolerances and allergies, such as lactose intolerance or celiac disease. Speak to a medical professional if you have concerns about frequent or painful bloating.  

Looking to learn more about food intake, bloating and digestion? Start by reading about the importance of gut heath! 

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