Our 5 Favorite WODs for Veteran’s Day


For all of you fitness enthusiasts out there who love pushing yourself on days like Veteran’s Day to honor the brave men and women who have served and are serving our country, we have compiled a list of our top 5 favorite WODs (workout of the day) that will no doubt be a mental and physical grind. Keep reading, then get sweating. #neverforget

1. Murph

In case you’re not familiar with Murph and where this workout comes from, it is a CrossFit Hero WOD (workout of the day) that pays tribute to the fallen Lieutenant Michael Murphy. Lt. Murphy spent his time as part of the United States Navy SEALS and was killed in an operation in Afghanistan in 2005. This was one of Lt. Murphy’s favorite workouts. CrossFit has done an awesome job of dedicating hero WODs to fallen first responders and military personnel, and this one is definitely one of the most challenging, both mentally and physically.

What it consists of: 

  • 1-Mile Run
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 200 Sit Ups
  • 300 Air Squats
  • 1-Mile Run

If you’re a seasoned vet in the gym and love pushing yourself, give this one a go. If you aren’t quite as experienced, scale down the reps to something like 50-100-200 and possibly even the run depending on where you’re at. Nonetheless, this is a great, straightforward workout designed to push you in all aspects.

2. Bert


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Hero WOD Sunday with @jules19821 before breakfast club! This is my favourite HERO WOD so far ??????‍♀??? #crossfit #bertherowod

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This WOD is dedicated to U.S. Marine Corporal Albert Gettings, who died in 2009 while conducting operations in Iraq. This is another one of those workouts that will certainly test you physically, but also mentally as it is a long, grueling workout. It is all bodyweight movements and is easily doable just about anywhere.

What it consists of: 

  • 50 Burpees
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 150 Walking Lunges
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 200 Air Squats
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 150 Walking Lunges
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 50 Burpees

Every couple of months, Corporal Gettings’ fellow Marines complete a special CrossFit workout in his honor as part of the Cpl. Albert P. Gettings Award.

3. Schmalls

This workout is dedicated to U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Justin E. Schmalstieg, who died in December of 2010 while conducting combat operations in Afghanistan. This one has a couple different movements in it with the one-legged squats and kettlebell swings, and if you haven’t given these a try before, maybe consider modifying them. One-legged squats can be substituted for regular air squats. Learn how to do a Kettlebell Swing safely before attempting one!

What it consists of: 

  • Run 800 Meters

Then two rounds of:

  • 50 Burpees
  • 40 Pull-Ups
  • 30 One-Legged Squats
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
  • 10 Handstand Push-Ups
  • Run 800 Meters

If the pull-ups are tough for you, try swapping them out with some inverted pull-ups or TRX rows if you have access to one. This is a great workout requiring only a small amount of equipment!

4. Lumberjack 20

This WOD is dedicated to multiple soldiers and a few civilians who were involved in a terrible situation in Fort Hood, Texas. Specialist Frederick Greene, 29, of Mountain City, Tennessee, Private First Class Aaron Thomas Nemelka, 19, of West Jordan, Utah, Private First Class Michael Pearson, 22, of Bolingbrook, Illinois, andSpecialist Kham Xiong, 23, of St. Paul, Minnesota, along with eleven of the wounded were avid CrossFitters and were all home to CrossFit Lumberjack.

What it consists of:

  • 20 Deadlifts, 275 lbs.
  • Run 400 Meters
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
  • Run 400 Meters
  • 20 Overhead Squats, 115 lbs.
  • Run 400 Meters
  • 20 Burpees
  • Run 400 Meters
  • 20 Pull-Ups, Chest to Bar
  • Run 400 Meters
  • 20 Box Jumps, 24″
  • Run 400 Meters
  • 20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans, 45 lbs. each
  • Run 400 Meters

This workout has multiple movements that are extremely challenging and should be practiced outside of this workout if you haven’t tried them before. Overhead squats can be swapped for bodyweight squats, and dumbbell squat cleans should definitely be practiced prior to attempting this workout. Make sure you have proper form with the deadlifts and Kettlebell Swings. This is a little more challenging in terms of form for certain movements, but a really fun workout to do to push yourself in different ways!

5. Pat

Army Sargeant Patrick C. Hawkins was an avid fan of CrossFit and like Lieutenant Murphy, enjoyed wearing weighted vests while working out. This workout will test your upper and lower body strength as well as your mental toughness, which seems to be the theme with these Hero workouts.

What it consists of: 

(6 Rounds for Time)
  • 25 Pull Ups
  • 50 Foot Front Rack Lunges, 75/55 lbs.
    25 Push Ups
  • 50 Foot Front Rack Lunges, 75/55 lbs.
If you think you’ve got the strength to do this WOD like Mr. Hawkins would, grab a weight vest and give it a go. This is a great, straightforward workout with basic movements but will certainly get that heart rate up and those muscles pumping.
Want to break a sweat, but don’t have a lot of time? Check out 10 of the Best 20-Minute Workouts.

The post Our 5 Favorite WODs for Veteran’s Day appeared first on FitMinutes.