10 Majorly Motivating Trainers to Follow on Instagram


Our Instagram feeds are pretty well-rounded. There’s usually a delicious-looking meal we’re saving for later, an adorable animal video, oh, and some trainers that pop up to help us keep our workouts new and exciting. Need to add some more workout inspiration to your feed? Scroll on for 10 majorly motivating trainers to follow on Instagram. Oh, and go ahead and give us a follow, too!

1. @mariepurvis

Need to hit refresh on how you use the gear at the gym? Marie Purvis has some ideas. Follow along as she shares various workouts with weights and kettle balls, along with fun fitness challenges.

2. @charleeatkins

Whether you’re just getting starting or looking to correct your technique, Charlee Atkins’ feed is a must-follow. There’s plenty of videos for every level, from post-flight stretches to much-needed hip-opening moves.

3. @kirastokesfit

Kira Stokes not only invented the award-winning Stoked Method, she’s also sharing tons of other tips everywhere from the pages of Women’s Health to her IG feed. PSA: Get ready to plank.

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CORE stability & strength (and obvious back work)- reminder, the insertion of your lats are part of your core…your core IS NOT just your abs. Simply put, it includes all the muscles that surround your spine and pelvis and connect your upper and lower body. Your core is a main stabilizer of the body and acts as almost a girdle for your spine. It is the powerhouse of your body so being “strong to the core” should be a goal for everyone (in my opinion) ?using the Stoked Band (light resistance) challenges the glute of the extended leg even more and enforces a stronger connection between the glute/low back/abs. Remember, lift the leg to a glute engaged position, not a hyperextended low back position. Maintain a neutral spine ?performing a cable row works the lat and also challenges stability in maintaining the proper position/alignment ⭐you can also use a band (tubing with handles) in place of a cable if you don’t have this set up available ?Stoked Bands will be back in stock 10/15 and will coincide with the release of more band workouts on the #KSFAPP [LINK IN PROFILE] Mark your calendar! ?aim for 12 reps each side, 3-4 sets ⭐want full workouts that challenge your core in science backed, results driven ways? Download the #KSFAPP – 7 DAY FREE TRIAL . . ??? @kelvingary . #thestokedmethod #stoked #strength #core #abs #glutes #workforit #goals #challenge #fitnessinspiration #fitspo #motivation #beastmode #instafit #instagood

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4. @cameron_yuen

Give this strength and conditioning coach a follow for tips and instruction on everything from weight training to recovery. Oh, and he’s also 1/2 of the team behind PT, Recovery and Performance company Bespoke Treatments, so you’re definitely going to want to check them out, too. 

5. @natalieuhling

Need to lighten up a little before you sweat? Natalie Uhling is the brains behind NUFit, a mother and one that believes in cutting loose before a workout. Check out her feed for dance-heavy workouts and seriously cute family photos. 

6. @moritsummers

Lift inspo, right this way. Morit Summers’ IG is full of inspiring posts, lifting #goals and more. Be sure to check out her highlights at the top of her feed for a weekly workout plan to get you going. 

7. @rozthediva

Pole enthusiasts, this one’s for you. Check out Roz’s feed for pole workouts, strength training to get you there *and* LOL-worthy captions.

8. @noamtamirfit

Familiarize yourself with Noam’s workout highlights to incorporate some of his moves into your routine. And if you’re loving the challenge and ready for more, be sure to check out @tsfitnessnyc— it’s his online membership app with more video-based workouts.

9. @msjeanettejenkins

You’re going to want to catch your breath for this one—Jeanette Jenkins’ HIIT videos are guaranteed to wake up that heart rate. Add her to your list for helpful videos and inspiring words of affirmation.

10. @ivfitness 

Don’t have access to a ton of gym gear? No worries. There’s plenty of workout videos on Idalis Velazquez’s feed that focuses on using your own body weight, so you can do them pretty much anywhere.

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Bodyweight Burner!⁣ ⁣ 3 exercises to work your core, arms, chest and shoulders. ⁣ Aim to complete 10 reps of each at the end of your workout. 3-5 rounds.⁣ ⁣ I’m glad I filmed these last week and can share for you to do today! ⁣ Save and share with a friend. ⁣ ⁣ If you have any fitness, prenatal, postnatal or nutrition question comment below. I will be answer these in my stories ❤. ⁣ ________________________⁣ ⁣ Quemador de peso corporal!⁣ ⁣ 3 ejercicios para trabajar tu abdomen, brazos, pecho y hombros. ⁣ Trata de completar 10 repeticiones de cada uno al final de tu entrenamiento. 3-5 rondas.⁣ ⁣ Me alegro de haberlo filmado estos la semana pasada y puedo compartirlos hoy para los hagan. ⁣ Guárdalo y compártelos!⁣ ⁣ Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre ejercicios, prenatal, posnatal o nutricional, comenta aquí. Voy a responder estas en mis historias ❤.⁣

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Looking for more Instagram inspiration? Follow These 14 Body-Positive IGs That Give Us Life.

The post 10 Majorly Motivating Trainers to Follow on Instagram appeared first on FitMinutes.