10 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Fitspiration


“It’s too early.” “It’s so cold outside of these covers.” “I’ll go tomorrow.” “I don’t want to wake the dog… Seriously though look at him, he’s so cute. LOOK at him.” If you’re like us, you spend the first few minutes of your day making excuses for why you can’t work out. It’s a new year though, and we hope to turn over a new leaf and become one of those mystical unicorns who wake up and work out first thing. If you’re interested in joining us on this journey, check out our favorite Instagram accounts to scroll through when we’re having a tough time taking the first step.

1. @AmySilvermanFitness

Amy’s story of transforming her life by saying buh-bye to booze and hello to a successful career and amazingly fit body will get you inspired to get up and go.

2. @AmandaBisk

If Amanda’s insane flexibility doesn’t inspire you into Tree Pose, we don’t know what will. Watch the former Australian pole vaulter do yoga on the beach and at home with her trainers/dogs Charlie and Willow a.k.a. the West Coast Weenies.

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3. @msjeanettejenkins

Follow celebrity trainer and health expert Jeanette Jenkins for daily inspiration and workouts you can do in the gym, home or office.

4. @Blogilates

Cassey Ho is one of the top 3 health and fitness influencers in the world. Her feed is full of personality, workouts and healthy advice.

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5. @kayla_itsines

Kayla is the co-creator of the popular Bikini Body Guide program. She shares easy-to-follow workouts and educational posts.

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6. @Toneitip

Trainers Karena and Katrina have created a thriving fitness community. Follow them for fun workouts, cute fitness outfits and motivational before and after posts.

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7. @Bikiniaday

Swimwear designers, models and besties @TashaOakley and @DevinBrugman share photos of beach vacations and bikinis that act as daily reminders that summer is not too far away.

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8. @JulesHough

Actress, producer and dancer Julianne Hough is ridiculously fit. Follow her to get motivated by her healthy lifestyle and photos from her and her new hubby’s beach vacations.

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9. @GypsetGoddess

Caitlin Turner does yoga in incredible places all over the world. Follow her to get inspired by her good vibes and energy, gorgeous scenery and wild flexibility.

10. @coach._.havins

When he’s not running a marathon or deadlifting 400 pounds, personal trainer and certified strength & conditioning specialist Will Havins is inspiring others to overcome their excuses and just do it. His quotes and motivational comments are sure to get you up and at ’em.

Don’t allow your excuses to be bigger than your goals. Make a decision that nothing will stand in your way from accomplishing who you desire to be. – – If you can accomplish this then your sleep, the weather, and even your comfortability won’t deter you from doing the amazing. Don’t give in. Keep going. You got this. Sincerely, Your biggest fan • • • #dontletyourexcuseswin #dontletyourexcusesdefineyou #yougotthis #fitness #fitnessmotivation #exercise #exercisemotivation #nothingcanstopyou #keepgoing #keepfighting #run #runnomatterwhat #lift #weights #weightstraining #resistancetraining #dumbells #fight #swim #justmove #dontletyourselfdown #loveyourself #keepgoingevenifithurts #keepgoingevenwhenitshard #ibelieveinyou #yougotthis

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