7 Tips on Setting (and Achieving) Your Goals


Happy 2019! It’s that time of year to start looking forward to what this new year has to offer. The benefits of setting goals are huge, and the best benefits to them aren’t just reaching the goal itself, but also the process of attaining that goal and the person you become during the process. In order to reach your goals, you must make changes, do new things, get outside of your comfort zone and have a plan.

Goal setting provides us with focus to really dial everything in and start doing the things required to reach those goals. Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds, buy a car, run a 6-minute mile or get a promotion, keep reading for tips and tricks on setting and achieving your goals.

1. Mindset

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You absolutely need to have the right mindset when setting goals. Leave all doubtful thoughts out of it, as those will be toxic when it comes to actually doing what is required to reach the goal. A positive outlook and making sure you are in love with the goal you’re chasing are so important.

2. S.M.A.R.T.

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This is one of the most common and effective ways to approach goal setting.

Specific – Your goal has to be specific and can’t be vague, or more often than not it will be pushed to the side and forgotten about. If your goal is too broad, it makes things tough because there are so many variables. This doesn’t mean you can’t make and achieve big goals, but they need to be specific.

Measurable – You need to be able to track your goals so you know when you’re making progress… and when you’re not.

Attainable – Make sure your goal is attainable. Far too often people make such giant goals that they simply aren’t attainable and then dreams are crushed and goal setting becomes even more tough. Dream big, but make sure it is attainable for you.

Realistic – Is this goal realistic for you? If you’re looking to drop a few pounds, know that stuff doesn’t happen healthily overnight. So a goal of losing 100 pounds is absolutely attainable, but doing so in 4 weeks just isn’t healthily realistic. The word “real” is the root word of realistic, make sure you can make it become real, as part of your reality.

Time Bound – Setting a time frame for your goal will not only keep it top of mind, but it will also allow you to set mini goals along the way of achieving your larger goal.

3. Quality, Not Quantity

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When setting goals for yourself, it is fine to have a few goals in mind at one time. However, trying to work on 20 different goals all at once is going to make everything much harder. Focus on the big goals, the ones that you are in love with and want to attain more than anything.

4. Have Short & Long Term Goals

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While the big, long term goals are the most important at the end of the day, the short term ones leading up to the longer term ones are just as important. They will teach you what will work and what won’t on your journey to attaining your goal, help you realize what you can personally handle and be a deciding factor if this is really what you want to continue working on.

5. Write Them Down

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This is just a great way to keep yourself on track. Don’t just simply write down your goal, but write down small mini goals along the way. Make sure the mini goals have time frames to assure you’re making progress. Tracking your goals on paper can help keep yourself accountable. Keep a small journal or something on your computer, and check in frequently and consistently.

6. Accountability

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Up top! Accountability is important when trying to attain goals. Tell a friend or a family member what you’re doing and ask them to check in every once in a while to see if you’re working on things. This is one of the best ways to make sure you’ll be constantly reminded of your goals and to make sure you’re still putting in the work to attain that goal. This can be an extremely powerful way to stay on track!

7. Trust The Process

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Big changes take time, they don’t just happen overnight. Stay positive, stick with it and get ready for the roller coaster. Know that the ups and downs will shape and define you as a person. Trust that things may not always go as planned, but getting yourself back on the horse as soon as you recognize things aren’t going as planned is important.


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